Spiritual Growth

A prayer of freedom for YOU today

There is no greater freedom than to experience God’s peace in your life.

Freedom allows us to stand before God and other people with nothing left to hide. Imagine how you would feel if you could honestly say, “I have nothing to hide.” No skeletons in the closet. No fear of rejection by revealing your secrets. This is the peace Jesus is talking about:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

John 14:27

The notes from my NIV Study Bible say this about the verse:

“The end result of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives is deep and lasting peace. This peace is confident assurance in any circumstance; with Christ’s peace, we have no need to fear the present or the future.”

#peace #stress #hope #prayer
Man standing on a rock overlooking a large canyon giving a feeling of freedom and peace.
Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

Freedom is also found when you talk to God honestly and openly. Tell God about what’s going on in your life and involve him with how you’re feeling and what you need from him. Paul puts it this way:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7

The notes about this verse say, “If your life is full of stress, allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ’s peace.” Take time to talk to God today. He is your Heavenly Father who wants to hear from you. Here is my prayer of peace for YOU today:

God, I pray for my family, friends, and acquaintances today. We are facing uncertainty and many are facing hurt and loss. Some of us desire to find the place of freedom where we can honestly say, “I have nothing left to hide.” Please grant us this freedom and peace in our hearts as we choose to rely and depend fully on you and the people you have put in our lives. Thank you for the peace you’ve given me, I never want to live my life again without your deep, lasting peace in my life! I ask you to grant my family, friends, and acquaintances this same peace in their lives. Amen!

Experience FREEDOM by relying upon God’s strength and peace today!

“If we desire to grow and reach our potential, we must pay more attention to our character than our success” (p. 153 of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth).

The same is true for freedom, we must focus on and develop our character! Freedom comes from living a life of integrity and character. JOIN ME in learning to develop your character and grow into the person God created you to be!

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